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Music Therapy/기억의 숲(추천곡)

Touch & Go

by Rain.. 2013. 8. 8.




특별한 사람이란 없다...

관계에 의해서 특별해질 뿐이다...














Ten . . . kiss me on the lips
Nine . . . run your fingers through my hair
Eight . . . touch me . . . slowly

Seven . . . Hold it!  Let's go straight
 . . . to number one . . .
Six . . .lips
 Five . . . fingers
Four . . . play
Three . . .
. . . to number one . . .


kiss me on the lipsrun your fingers through my hair

touch me . . . Let's go straight . . . to number one . . .
One [repeating]
Touch me . . .
Let's go straight . . .
One [repeating]
. . . to number one. . .
Lips Fingers Feel it?
One [repeating]

Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three
Touch and go . . . . . . to number one. . .

Touch & Go - Straight To Number one






Touch And Go ♥ Straight To Number One










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