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Music Therapy/기억의 숲(추천곡)

Help Me Make It Through The Night

by Rain.. 2013. 8. 9.



세상의 어떤 술에도 나는 더 이상 취하지 않는다.

당신이 부어준 그 술에 나는 이미..취해 있기에.......



잔 없이 건네지는 술..류시화...














Take the ribbon from your hair,
Shake it loose and let it fall,
Layin' soft upon my skin.
Like the shadows on the wall.
Come and lay down by my side
'till the early morning light
All I'm takin' is your time.


Help me make it through the night.
I don't care what's right or wrong,
I don't try to understand.
Let the devil take tomorrow.
Lord, tonight I need a friend.
Yesterday is dead and gone
And tomorrow's out of sight.
And it's sad to be alone.

Help me make it through the night.
I don't care what's right or wrong,
I don't try to understand.
Let the devil take tomorrow.
Lord, tonight I need a friend.

Yesterday is dead and gone

And tomorrow's out of sight.
Lord, it's bad to be alone.
Help me make it through the night.






Help Me Make It Through The Night

- Monika Brodka









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